The volunteers who serve on our committees help guide our association by advising the Board of Directors on specific subject areas. The following is a list of our committees and their activities they work on:

Admissions & Membership:
Develops and teaches the new member orientation program.
Budget & Finance:
Reviews our financial statements, works with staff to draft the budget and makes financial recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Building Committee:
Advises the Board of Directors on repair and maintenance issues for our office.
Community Service & Programs:
Organizes a number of events each year including Rockin on the River, Trunk or Treat, and our Installation Dinner & Charity Auction. Selects the charities that will benefit from the fundraising drives we organize.

Constitution & Bylaws:
Reviews our bylaws and recommends revisions to the Board of Directors.
Education and Equal Opportunity:
Organizes our continuing education courses by recommending topics, meeting venues and speakers. They are also responsible for developing our fair housing initiatives.

Executive Committee:
This committee consists of the four officers who are elected to serve on the Board of Directors (i.e. President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President). They conduct the annual performance appraisal for our Association Executive and may convene to discuss other matters related to Board operations.
Grievance and Professional Standards:
These are the two Indiana Association of REALTORS® Committees that are responsible for hearing ethics cases and arbitration disputes from across the state.

Advises the Board of Directors on matters related to our multiple listing service. This includes enhancements to the services we offer to subscribers and the rules that govern listings in the system.
Identifies and recruits candidates to run for the Board of Directors. Submits a recommended slate of candidates to the membership.

REALTOR® Safety:
Organizes presentations to raise awareness of safety concerns and the steps members can take to protect themselves.
REALTOR® of the Year:
This committee solicits nominations and selects the recipients for this annual award. Membership in this committee is limited to members who have previously been selected as SEIBR’s REALTOR® of the Year.

This non-partisan fundraising committee encourages members to invest in RPAC and support the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates from both parties.
RPAC Trustees:
This committee selects the candidates for local office that we support with our political donations from RPAC.

Advises the Board of Directors on the technological needs of our association and what we can adopt to enhance the level of service we provide to our members and volunteers.
Twenty-Five Year Service:
Membership on this committee is limited to members who have been REALTORS® for at least 25 years. Recommends ways to honor the members who reach this milestone.

Joining a Committee
REALTORS® who are members in good standing of SEIBR can volunteer to serve on a committee by contacting the following individuals:
Eric Ginder
2024 SEIBR President
Office: (812) 926-2278
Cell: (859) 534-5034
Jesse Dennehy
SEIBR Association Executive
Office: (812) 926-4644
Cell: (812) 290-4604