Ethics Links & Downloads
Code of Ethics -
NAR Law & Ethics -
IAR Law & Ethics -
Before Filing a Complaint -
Ethics Complaint Form -
IAR Citation Complain Form -
Mediation Form -
n ethics proceeding has two essential purposes: education and vindication. It is educational in that it raises the consciousness of members to the meaning and significance of the Code. Many ethics violations occur inadvertently or through ignorance, and the hearing proceeding serves as an effective educational tool.
iling a charge of an alleged violation of the Code of Ethics by a REALTOR® requires the charge read as an alleged violation of one or more Articles of the Code. A Standard of Practice may be cited only in support of the charge. The Preamble is aspirational. Articles 1 through 17 establish specific obligations for which Realtors® may be disciplined.
For additional information regarding filing an Ethics Complaint, please contact Jesse Dennehy, Professional Standards Administrator at